Shipping cost

Delivery costs by express courier

The costs indicated are valid for the entire Italian territory except for Sicily, Sardinia, the Minor Islands and Disadvantaged Areas.

Shipping rates are calculated at the time of the order based on the weight and volume of the package. 

The cost of shipping will be listed directly in the final stage of the order.

Shipments to SICILY, SARDINIA, MINOR ISLANDS or DISCOMFORT AREAS have higher costs, therefore when ordering it is necessary that the customer informs the seller of the place of destination, in order to calculate the rate.


The amounts are VAT included. 


Volumetric scale in kg.
Tariff for the remaining regions of Italy:

From 0.01 to 6.00 € 6.42
From 6.01 to 8.00 € 7.70
From 8.01 to 16.00 € 9.00
From 16 01 to 25.00 € 12.60
From 25.01 to 35.00 € 12.90
From 35.01 to 50.00 € 20.00
From 50.01 to 75.00 € 23.20
From 75.01 to € 100.00 31.60

Over 100.00 € 0.31 x kg
Over 500.00 € 0.50 x kg

Volumetric scale in Kg.
From 0.01 to 1.00 € 17.20
Over 1 kg € 17.20 + 0.57 x kg